“Y” is the letter representing independence. This letter is sometimes used as a vowel such as an “I,” and as such brings more power to the name.

As enterprising people, they are daring. With ambition they have what it takes to obtain their goals. Knowing what they want and going after it is one of their stronger traits. Their progressive thinking helps others to believe in what they can all achieve bringing success to those who are in business with them.

Loving freedom as they do, they hate restraint. Holding them down in any way causes them to try and break free. When they want something, others need not try to hinder them. Kicking and pushing all they way, they will achieve their goals.

Put no limitation on them because “Y” people will make it their job to show you they can. It matters not what the situation, a “Y” person thinks they can accomplish anything.

With progressive thinking, they are usually on the cutting edge of new technology or services. It is not to keep up with the “Jones” but to keep ahead of the rest. They love anything that is new and different because of their pioneering spirit.

“Y’s” are refined people who love the good life. Having good taste in their homes and surroundings, others love to visit.

It is usually said of a “Y” person that they have good manners. They expect the same of others.

Sometimes a “Y” in the name can add more challenges to the life. If you have two or more “Y’s,” then the responsibility is greater.

Negative “Y’s” are sometimes indecisive when faced with multiple choices. Being hesitant can cause them to miss out on some of the better benefits in life.

“Z,” last letter of the alphabet, represents hope.

People with “Z” letters in their names are trusting and trustworthy. This quality makes them sought after by many as a friend. They seem to do better in life when they have people who care around them.

High expectations give them a zest for life and always keep them working to achieve what they want. They truly believe that anything is possible.

Gentle with good characteristics, they help those who will let them. They are considerate to everyone and find themselves very hurt when others do not show that same consideration.

These most understanding of people are here to help others when needed and they love being needed. Assisting others, with their day-to-day problems, is simple work for the “Z.” With diplomatic ease, they dispense advice to those asking.

You can pour out your heart to this person because they will never tell a soul. When you tell a “Z” a secret, it remains a secret.

Others might give compliments to a “Z” person by saying that they are truly level headed and have good common horse sense.

This quick thinking, down to earth person deserves all the compliments they get. Working hard to help others out, they are the peacemakers of the world. Understanding peoples ways, they try to make others understand why one does the things they do.

Negative “Z’s” are very impatient people. These hardheaded people should learn to think before they act. They can become ruthless, not caring who they hurt.


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