“J” is the letter representing ambition. They readily take on any task they think will help them reach their goals more quickly.

Ambition and eagerness tend to dominate their lives. The need for movement is so powerful; the “J” person has a hard time being still.

They are fair and honest to a fault. If you want the truth, ask a person with a “J” in their name. Valuing honesty above all else, they do not lie. Don’t be found guilty lying to them. That is the most heinous of sins to them. Although they may forgive you, they will never forget you told them a lie. This will cause irreparable damage to the relationship.

You can always count on a “J.” “What you see is what you get,” is their motto. Reliable people, they do what they say they will. Loyalty is one of their strong suits. A friend is always a friend even though they may not see them for years. When meeting again, they take up right where they left off.

Being resourceful, they are able to see things others miss. With the use of their imagination they are quite inventive in their personal lives and in their chosen occupations.

Kind and well meaning, they try to help all who will let them. With benevolent hearts they forgive those who have hurt them. Loving, not ignorant, they generally do not allow persons who hurt them to do it again. Usually, they will distance themselves from the offender.

Very clever in conversation, they tend to have people listen to them. With their quick wit, they are the center of the discussion.

Shrewd and brilliant, they are never left behind but are always looking for a new way to do what needs to be done.

Negative “J’s” are not a pleasure to be around. Lazy and dull, they lack goals in life. Intolerance rules their lives so no one every really measures up to their way of thinking.

“K” is the eleventh letter of the alphabet and represents extremes. Never in the center, they go from one end of the spectrum to the other.

Very forceful, these people get their point across with their energetic interpretations. Their strong wills lead them on to greater goals. They expect others to see things their way because they know their way is right.

Others look at the “K” personality as steady, always there. Because of this, some “K’s” may feel as if they are taken for granted, although they could never be. When a person with a “K” in their name enters a room, all know it.

Staying on the go even when they don’t feel as if they should makes others see them as all enduring. They do get tired and even though they sometimes become ill, they continue to go until they can no longer move. When this happens, they only stay bedridden long enough to get a little energy. Then up and at it again, they go.

These versatile people are diverse in all they do. Anything they set their minds to, they are capable of doing. Able bodied, they can usually get others to see things their way. With their influence, they are capable of strong leadership but like to have partners that are just as strong.

Idealism fits soundly into their lives and they expect others to have the same high ideals. Some “K” people even demand it.

Commanding attention wherever they are, they usually receive it.

Even though these people show a very strong front, they are sensitive and emotional. Passionately, they relate their ideas to those who will listen and sometimes to those who won’t.

Going after goals and items they want with the same gusto they show in all other aspects of life, they are considered relentless.

Negative “K’s” are timid and hesitant. Afraid of their own shadow, they are miserable. Fearful and nervous, they may even be prone to tell what they consider “small” lies. Dissatisfied with life, they tend to stick to themselves and are even more frightened of being alone.

“L” is the letter that represents action. The person with this letter in their name is a self-starter. Motivated and energetic, they are able to work in groups or alone.

Always on the go, they seem to pass life by without even looking at it, but this is a myth. They live life as completely as they can. Savoring all aspects of life more quickly than most, they go from one aspect of life to another, just as a bumblebee goes from flower to flower. It seems the bee does not look at the flower even though he is always aware it is there. People with the “L” in their name enjoy life while living it to it’s fullest.

Generous to a fault, their kindness in giving should be envied by all. In today’s world, that can be seen as an error in ways rather than a good quality. If there is a charity in need, they are there to help.

Although they seem to be blindly going through life they are in complete control. Being in charge means a lot to them. When the “L” is not in charge, you see one unhappy person. They know they have executive ability and execute it well. Being honest and fair with those in positions lower than theirs earns them wonderful reputations. This means a lot to the “L” because it is one of the guidelines of their lives.

Talented individuals, they excel at anything they choose to do.

Generally they are unbiased and are willing to listen to any new ideas that may come their way. Because they are so well adjusted, they do not feel it necessary to believe theirs is the only right way of thinking. This is reflected in the fact that they are willing to use others ideas because they make them their own.

“L’s” love to travel and are right at home on the road. Getting bored with staying in one place long, they would rather be doing something different.

Negative “L’s” are deceitful and cruel. Not caring for anyone else, they want everything their way. When their way is not possible, they can go into tyrannical rages.


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