“A” is not only the first letter of the alphabet but also the first vowel. It is a very significant letter because it represents the beginning of the alphabet. From it all else flows. The letter resonates with very strong vibrations that give its characteristics more strength.

With this letter as the first vowel in a name, it makes the bearer of the name have a greater interest in life. They seek to educate themselves in all aspects of their life. Having a very independent nature, it is hard to control this person.

An “A” person is aggressive but not generally to the point of hurting another. They set lofty goals for themselves with innate knowledge that they can do anything they wish.

People with an “A” in their name tend to have determination. Using this resolve, they find a purpose and have the resolution to carry it through to its finish. They have great initiative with the spirit, energy and drive to accomplish whatever they want. These people are full of the courage it takes to succeed and have the daring to try what ever they believe to be best for them. Not only are they clever but also they can put their thoughts into action.

With two “A’s” in the name, there is even more creative ability. Combined with the capacity to think problems through, they make intelligent decisions. Other people are enchanted by this creative capability and like to be around a person with “A’s” in their name. Perhaps they think that part of the creative touch will rub off on them.

A person with three or more “A’s” in a name can become too much of the pioneer. They can start tasks and not finish them. Needing to guard against appearing to be selfish, they seem to others to think of themselves more often than they do of others. This may not be the truth but other people often think that way about a person with more than two “A’s” in the name.

Negative “A’s,” because of their egotistical ways, can be cynical about everything. They tend to be critical of other people because they think others cannot accomplish as much as they can. At the drop of a hat, they can go into rages when they feel their feelings have been hurt purposely. The only problem with this way of thinking is that when they are in this mode, feelings are hurt very easily.

“B,” the second letter of the alphabet, is not a particularly strong letter. The bearer of this letter in their name is more easily influenced by others. They tend to be very emotional even though they want the best for everyone.

People with “B’s” in their name are sympathetic, friendly, and hospitable. They can make you feel as if you have just come home with their love of domesticity. Peace and quiet is something they have to have in order to recharge their batteries.

A woman with the “B” in her name tends to mother everyone and everything. Submissively, she allows others to make choices so that she can make them feel better about themselves. This is not the martyr quality though. It is done with genuine enthusiasm.

Males with that letter in their name have a great love of nature. Getting back to the country is their dream.

With a strong dislike for being alone, both males and females with this letter in their name, have a great need for marriage or partnership.

“B” people are easily excitable. They can be emotional and high strung. Some may even have inflexible opinions showing their firm belief structure. Tending to think in either black or white, they don’t change their views easily.

Like scales trying to find a healthy balance, they rarely do. The trouble “B” personalities have is that they tend to think they are balanced. Since they feel stable they are sure they have the good of all at heart.

A negative “B” can be very selfish; out for all they can get. These people are totally absorbed with themselves and don’t want to hear about others’ problems. If you go to them as a friend with a problem, their problem will be worse than yours. Not only will they not have time for your problem but they will take the time you needed from them to discuss their own problem.

“B’s” can be greedy on occasion. Totally possessive, they need all their loved ones attention.

“C,” the third letter of the alphabet, represents energy.

These are good-humored people who are willing to help you if they can. Their genial, lighthearted spirit makes you feel good when you are around them. Carefree but cheerful, they may have you thinking twice with their dry sense of humor.

“C’s” are lavish with themselves and those they love. Most are liberal with their money and tend to give it away with the knowledge they can always get more.

Versatile and skillful, they are proficient at anything they desire. Some wives of a “C” husband might even be heard saying they are married to a “handy-man.”

Those with this letter in their name may be called an orator. Eloquent and outspoken on any subject, they may make their living as a speechwriter or philosophy teacher.

As organizers these people are the promoters you want in your corner. With a need for organization, they will not only construct a system of having everything in it’s place but will also go through the disposition of such without batting an eyelash. Engineers and inventors might be found with a “C” in their name. “What they conceive, they will achieve,” is their motto.

Some “C’s” may be a little impatient. That combined with their spur of the moment actions might lead others to believe that “C” people are not as organized as they really are.

A negative “C” may be careless and unscrupulous. Reckless and unprincipled, they don’t care who they hurt as long as it benefits them.


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