“P” represents the rhythms of life. This includes knowledge, which gives this person a keen insight.

Bright and clever, these people find a way to get what they want in this world. Not only are they shrewd but they have the intelligence to back up whatever they want. They do not quit until they have achieved their goals.

Quite talented in anything they like, they can do anything artistic or otherwise. Painters, interior designers, or even architects are some of the most loved professions of this letter. As long as there is power in the offing, they like the job.

Others see “P” people as wise beyond their years. Feeling that they are level headed, they might be inundated with any number of problems. They will sympathize for as long as they feel the person, with the problem, is trying to help him or herself. If not, they can be quite straightforward in showing that person their shortcomings.

Their dominating personality sometimes leads to other people feeling left out in conversation. In business acumen, they command a powerful presence. Some may call them straightforward, others pushy. Either of these may be true of the expressive “P.”

“P’s” want everything now. Patience is not their virtue. If there is something they want, but unable to have at the moment, they start, immediately, to plan on how they might achieve their goal.

Negative “P’s” are possessive. Having to own everything and everyone around them is their motto. They are self-absorbed and totally selfish. Having no time or sympathy for others, they only want attention for themselves.

“Q” is the letter of the alphabet that represents innovation.

New ideas is this letter’s forte. Always looking for a new, more efficient way to apply themselves is their goal in life.

Eloquent in their ideas and speech patterns, they make excellent talkers. This quality makes them talented speechwriters. Political speeches, though, might present a problem for them because they are quite outspoken. Preferring to let their views be known, they are unable to sit back and watch as someone hedges on what they consider important.

They are vehement in their views and don’t mind putting forth the effort to justify them. Discussing at length what is important in the world is a pleasure for them.

Capable of violence, it is best not to get into an argument with a “Q.” Others can never be sure just when the intensity will turn to anger. They need to work to keep their anger in check.

“Q’s” are determined individuals who use their intensity to get where they want to go. Because they are hard to analyze they leave those, who try looking into their souls, scratching their heads as to who they really are.

People who are mysterious and like being thought of as such, they are deep and puzzling even to themselves at times.

Negative “Q’s” are extremely boring people. They are over talkative and are not always up to date on the subject on which they are speaking. Guilt ridden, they cover their errors by trying to look as if know what they are doing even when they don’t.

“R” is the letter that represents potential.

All things are possible with these warm-hearted individuals. They are completely unselfish and want to help anyone who will let them. Their being of assistance to others is a reward unto itself.

Quite loving in nature they do not understand when the same love is not returned. Feeling dejected, they tend to clam up. Trying to reign in their feelings, they may appear cold to others. Once a friend, always a friend feels this loyal letter.

These compassionate, gentle people are very humane. With their tender natures, they try to solve the world’s problems and take it upon themselves when they fail. They are the ones who try to help everyone, including animals.

Usually they are even tempered and try to be understanding when others aren’t. Because they are so tolerant, others may feel they are pushovers. They are not.

They always try to be composed, even when hurting on the inside. Tolerance is their strong suit.

Hard working, they make good laborers and feel a sense of satisfaction at having built something with their hands or minds.

Eager to please, they will start tasks others shy away from with genuine enthusiasm. This can lead to resentment by others.

Negative “R’s” lose possessions easily and entirely. Material possessions do not mean much to them. Irritated rather easily, they are better left to their own devices but even this is an irritant. They don’t mind being a little deceptive if it makes them look better.


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